
If you are a member of the Japan Dental Hygienists Association, you do not need to create a new account.

You can log in using your Japan Dental Hygienists Association membership number and password (please enter your membership number in the "Username" field).
If you have forgotten your membership number or password, please contact the Japan Dental Hygienists Association for your login information.

*Please note that if you create a new account, it will become a regular account and any association discounts will not be applied.

[Confirmation required]
If your email address is not registered on the Japan Dental Hygienists Association membership page, you will not be able to login.
In that case, please log in to the member page below, add your email address to your member information, and then log in to DH-KEN again.

○ Japan Dental Hygienists Association member page URL

Sign Up with 株式会社デンタルダイヤモンド社
Note: Half-width symbols (&, ¥, ", <, >, −) cannot be used.

Your password should include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols; and should be at least 8 characters long.

Half-width symbols (&, ¥, ", <, >, −) cannot be used.